Grading Resources

Taekwondo Grading identifies the process of training from beginner up to black belt. It takes several years and is the result of hard work and dedication on the part of each student. All those who practice Taekwondo follow five important tenets which form the backbone of all learning:


Indomitable Spirit


Our Taekwondo classes are designed to take students through the Taekwondo Grading syllabus at their own pace, whilst constantly challenging and teaching something new on each occasion.

Each student will find their own strengths within the varied aspects of Taekwondo, and for that reason we offer different programmes.


For many, Poomsae epitomise martial arts. They are the traditional sequences of moves designed to strengthen the body and teach the muscles the correct way to perform. Poomsae are an essential part of Taekwondo and every student’s progression through the martial art. 

‘Taeguk Theory’ explains the ancient philosophy behind the Poomsae, and has bearing on the way each Poomsae should be performed.


Self-defence is another important aspect of learning Taekwondo, and although the likelihood of being attacked in the street is small, knowing the simple methods of self-defence and escape that Taekwondo equips you with can be invaluable.

Kup Grading

upcoming grading

To check your eligibility and to register for your grading test click here



Children’s grading syllabus: Click on grading belt below


Yellow Tag

Yellow Belt

Green Tag

Green Belt

Blue Tag

Blue Belt

Red Tag

Red Belt

Black Tag

Yellow Tag 9th kupMinimum time2 months
10xHorse Riding stanceMiddle section punch
10xHorse Riding stanceHigh Block
10xHorse Riding stanceMiddle Block
10xHorse Riding stanceLow Block
4xWalking StanceFront Kick
4xWalking Stance45° Turning Kick
4xWalking StanceChop Kick
SparringFighting stanceone for one kicking
BackgroundUnderstanding which weapons are used when striking, blocking and kicking 
 The meaning of Taekwondo 
Yellow Belt 8th kupMinimum time3 months
5xHorse Riding stanceMiddle Block Double Punch
4xFront stanceHigh Block
4xFront stanceMiddle Block
4xFront stanceLow Block
4xWalking StanceFront Kick
4xWalking StanceTurning Kick
4xWalking StancePush Kick
4xWalking StanceJump front kick
SparringFighting stanceone for one kicking
 No ContactSparring
BackgroundDescription of weapons used when blocking, striking and kicking 
 The meaning of the colour yellow 
Green tag 7th KupMinimum time3 months
PoomsaeTaegeuk Il Jang 
4xFront stanceFront punch
4xFront stanceHigh block reverse punch
4xFront stanceMiddle block reverse punch
4xFront stanceLow block reverse punch
4xFighting stanceTurning kick
4xFighting stanceSide kick
4xFighting stanceJump turning kick
4xFighting stanceBack kick
SparringFighting stanceone for one kicking
 light contactSparring
BackgroundUnderstanding which weapons are used when blocking, striking and kicking 
 The meaning of Taegeuk Il Jang 
Green belt 6th Kup Minimum time 3 months
Poomsae Taegeuk Ee Jang  
  Taegeuk Il Jang  
4x Fighting stance Double turning kick
4x Fighting stance Back kick
4x Fighting stance Skip in side kick
4x Fighting stance Skip in turning kick
Sparring Fighting stance One for one kicking
  Light contact Sparring
Background Understanding which weapons are used when blocking, striking and kicking  
  The meaning of the colour green  
  The meaning of Taegeuk Ee Jang  
Blue tags 5th Kup Minimum time 3 months
Poomsae Taegeuk Sam Jang  
  Taegeuk Ee Jang  
4x Fighting Stance Back kick
4x Fighting Stance Spin kick
4x Fighting Stance Reverse turning kick
Sparring Fighting stance One step sparring routine 1+2
    one for one kicking
  Light contact Sparring
Background The meaning of Taegeuk Sam Jang  
Blue belt 4th Kup Minimum time 3 months
Poomsae Taegeuk Sah Jang  
  Taegeuk Sam Jang  
4x Fighting Stance Combination kicks
Sparring Fighting stance One step sparring routine 1-3
  Fighting stance One for one kicking
  Light contact Sparring
Background The meaning of the colour blue  
  The meaning of Taegeuk Sah Jang  
Red Tag 3rd KupMinimum time3 months
PoomsaeTaegeuk Oh Jang 
 Taegeuk Sah Jang 
4xFighting StanceCombination kicks
SparringFighting stanceOne step sparring (routine 1-4)
 Fighting stanceone for one kicking
 Light contactSparring
BackgroundThe meaning of Oh Jang 
Red belt 2nd kupMinimum time6 months
PoomsaeTaegeuk Ryuk Jang 
 Taegeuk Oh Jang 
4xFighting StanceCombination, strikes, blocks and kicks
SparringFighting stanceOne Step (routine 1-5)
 Fighting stanceOne for one kicking
 Light contactSparring
BackgroundThe meaning of the colour red 
 The meaning of Chil Jang 
Black Tag 1st Kup Minimum time 6 months
Poomsae Taegeuk Chil Jang  
  Taegeuk Ryuk Jang  
Sparring Fighting stance One for one kicking – (Stationary)
  Fighting stance One for one kicking – (moving around)
  Fighting stance One step (routine 1-5)
  Light contact Sparring (protective equipment and point scoring)
Breaking Sidekick   
Background Students will receive a short written test (if aged 16 and above) or verbal test (if aged 15 and below) on the follwoing subjects: The Tenets of Taekwondo,
The meaning of the belt colours,
The meaning of the Taegeuks,
Korean Taekwondo terminology
  The meaning of Chil Jang